Island living
News, style tips and tricks from the true connoisseurs of island living
Stanley Market
Stanley's converted fishing boat is home to the wonderful fruit and veg stall. Situated on the shore at Brittania Bay right opposite our very own Pink House..
Mustique's Ashes
Last week, in the height of Mustique’s Summer season, the island hosted it’s annual cricket match. The Ashes were in full swing, and Mustiquans didn’t want to miss out on all of the cricketing fun.
Pink House Party
".....an all-Island event is a pretty big affair, however, I think it is a challenge that needs taking up, and who better to do it than the Pink House......."
As good as her word, Lotty hosted a wonderful party at the Pink House yesterday....
Kevin Snook
Lotty is delighted to be hosting the official book launch of "A Taste of Mustique - A new chapter" at the Pink House boutique this Wednesday, 24th November. Kevin Snook once again shares his great knowledge of Caribbean cuisine...
Today the Beach Cafe at the Cotton House opened again after the summer's break and I was very pleased to see the new napkins I designed in use. Finally they have made it to the table!
Patrick Lichfield took a fabulous shot of the island's children more than 20 years ago. During the 50th Anniversary celebrations we thought it would be fun to reenact this photo with the next generation.
After dinner Fireworks over Basil's Bar. Quite spectacular and just what we needed to get us up from the dinner table and back down to the bar for a rare treat indeed.
It certainly is All Go with only a couple of days before the Big 50th celebration. The tents are going up all the way along Britannia Bay, the rain keeps coming and going so the island is beautifully green and flowers abound, and luckily the sun shines in between.
Just 6 days to go until the big Mustique 50th celebration party. 'A Splash of Gold' is the dress code, and we have yet to finish making our costumes!
16 days to the 50th Celebration of Mustique and I'm 'Farm Girl Thursday' again. This means taking the early morning flight off-island to St. Vincent (6 minutes), and a ten minute drive up into the hills to 'Spring Valley Farm' - Paradise on Earth! We have important work today as we are supplying the Arugula for the Gala Dinner.
Arriving back on-island is always an excitement but I wasn't expecting such a hive of activity after just 2 1/2 weeks away! What industry there is in every direction. This isn't any ordinary build-up to the summer high season, there is good reason for such hustle and bustle, Mustique is celebrating 50 years of the formation of the Mustique Company! - quite a mouthful!
Philippe Starck
What an exciting moment to be present as Philippe Starck puts in the finishing touches. The island is so quiet that only a handful of us were lucky enough to be around to pop a bottle of champagne and drink to the unofficial launch, or perhaps better described as the sneak-peak to the new Basil's Bar. (The official Launch will be at the big 50th celebration of Mustique this summer)