Island living

News, style tips and tricks from the true connoisseurs of island living

Pink House Party

Pink House Party

" all-Island event is a pretty big affair, however, I think it is a challenge that needs taking up, and who better to do it than the Pink House......." As good as her word, Lotty hosted a wonderful party at the Pink House yesterday....
Kevin Snook

Kevin Snook

Lotty is delighted to be hosting the official book launch of "A Taste of Mustique - A new chapter" at the Pink House boutique this Wednesday, 24th November. Kevin Snook once again shares his great knowledge of Caribbean cuisine...
Sarong styling

Sarong styling

How do you wear yours? We have been asked how to style the classic Lotty B sarong and have lots of suggestions, but we would love to know how you wear your sarongs, please do send them to us!


Although the initial impact of the Soufrière volcanic eruption seems to be over, the long term repercussions are still huge and as St Vincent approaches hurricane season help is needed as much as ever