Valentine's Day on Mustique used to be marked by the end of the Blues Festival and an amazing all-Island Valentine's Brunch hosted by an American family who stayed at Sunrise Vila each February. It was a way of saying Thank You to all the musicians who had given their time and talent to the island and raised funds for Basil's great educational charity trust in St. Vincent. There was always a fancy dress theme and my children eagerly awaited this event each year and not least because the family hosting owned a catering business and brought with them the most amazing array of goodies that Mustique didn't see the rest of the year round. Another Valentine's event was 'The Pink Picnic' hosted by the owners of Cactus Hill vila in the early days. Everyone arrived dressed in pink and lots and lots of pink wine was drunk. The island has grown since then and an all-Island event is a pretty big affair, however, I think it is a challenge that needs taking up, and who better to do it than the Pink House......."
Having drawn and delivered this fabulous invitation to the Pink House Valentine's party yesterday - she also baked beautiful heart shaped biscuits and exquisite cupcakes and made some love potion for all the guests!
Friends new and old came to join Lotty to celebrate the reincarnation of the Pink Valentine's parties of the past and a lovely time was had by all.
We love that the linen shirts are snapped up by men and women alike - this blue and green Plantation print shirt (in the centre of the picture) was recently launched and is selling fast.