As a group, the businesses involved with the Spring and Advent Fairs at Chaldicott Barns elected to support the WILTSHIRE COMMUNITY FOUNDATION when the events were launched in 2022 and have continued to do this. We recently received a lovely letter from the Joint Chief Executive of the charity and wanted to share some of this letter with you:

"The Chaldicott Spring and Advent Fairs have provided incredibly generous support for our Women and Girls Fund which is being used to fund so many different community projects across the county - all linked with a golden thread of helping women and girls to have better lives which are full of opportunity rather than fear."
"In addition to providing immediate relief for women and girls in need of support, we are also building a long-term endowment fund that will ensure safer and more prosperous futures for women and girls in our county.

"Funds raised by the Chaldicott Spring and Autumn Fairs have also supported our Surviving Winter programme - helping disadvantaged local people who are struggling to heat their homes and have a hot meal. With your support, in 2023/24, our Surviving Winter programme helped 2,855 individuals living in 1,668 households across Wiltshire and Swindon. We worked through partners including Age UK Wiltshire, Warm and Safe Wiltshire, Citizens Advice in Wiltshire and Swindon and Wiltshire Centre for Independent Living.
On behalf of everyone at Wiltshire Community Foundation, thank you all so much for the continued support of our work. We know the amount of effort that goes into organising the Chaldicott Advent and Spring Fairs and how you all go above and beyond to support our work."
The Chaldicott Spring Fair is to take place on Saturday 26th April and you are all very welcome. It is free entry. There will be a raffle in our showroom and all the proceeds will go to Wiltshire Community Foundation. We are very pleased to be a charity partner with this wonderful group.