Yoga with Tati

January 18, 2024

crab bridge yoga pose by the sea on mustiqueYoga - "...a philosophy that touches everything that I do..." We talk to Tatiana Piedrahita about how she loves practicing yoga with her family whilst holidaying on Mustique...

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Yoga or Pilates?

May 11, 2021

yoga or pilates, activewear for both from pink house mustiqueThis is a topic often talked about in our UK HQ. Regardless of age, it seems that we have all practiced one or both in the last two years, with some of our number making a class or two a week a staple in their diary.

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Life in Mere

June 26, 2020 2 Comments

Puddle springer spaniel and the top dog
Whilst the beating heart of our business is based in Mustique, there is a crew of Pink House worker bees based in Mere, Wiltshire, our HQ in the UK....

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